- Click on “ציוד מחשוב” shop.
- Click on “תשלום לאונ’ בגין מערכת הפעלה ו office“.
- Choose the quantity in “כמות” field and Click on “הוסף לעגלה“.
- Check out and complete the requisition and remember your requisition number.
- Click on “קניות“.
- Click on “הסכמים ומחירונים“
- In the search bar type the “item number” of the computers and click on “ביצוע“ .
- Add to cart the item you choose and add all the the other stuff that you want for your computer (extra hard drive,RAM etc..)
you can also add screen/printer if it’s the same supplier like the computer. - Check out and complete the requisition, at the end (Section 17 in Check out ):
- In “הערות לספק” field mention the Windows & Office that you want to be installed.
- In “הערות לקניין” field mention the requisition number that you got in the previous requisition.
- My recommendation:
- Windows 10 64bit English.
- Office 2016 64bit English.
- here are order status guide.
- When you get your computer you have to do these steps.